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How about your WiFi?

When did you last test your firewall?

Is your antivirus software up to date?

Is it the right product to use?

Which cloud do you use – do you know how secure it is?

Are you backing up critical data?

How aware are your staff of best practice?

Since GDPR came into force these and other questions aren’t just nagging worries anymore.  You are obliged by law to hold personal data in a secure, best practice environment.

How much do you know about the infrastructure you depend upon?

We are security experts.  You don’t need to be.

Enquire nowor phone: 0207 242 9099

Networks and servers

Wherever your data lives, your need to connect to it.

A reliable and secure network is fundamental to your day to day IT.

We are experts in network installation, support and error prevention.  Keeping you online and working.

Enquire nowor phone: 0207 242 9099

Hardware repairs

Our dedicated hardware staff can find and fix errors same day.

We have a large stock of spare parts as well as all the tools and experience necessary to fix all PC and Mac devices.

Protect your investment by upgrading your computer.

Enquire nowor phone: 0207 242 9099

Hardware sales

We understand what technology is required for what purpose. We’ll also set it up for you!

No point investing in a gaming spec PC for sending emails and working on spreadsheets. Likewise if you’re an architect or designer you can’t undercook the spec but need power n the right places.

We have access to great deals.
We can fully prep each PC or Mac we supply to the client’s requirements including full data and setting transfer from the old device.

Speak to us if this sounds better than walking into PC World or having a quick Google and hoping for the best!

Enquire nowor phone: 0207 242 9099

Data recovery

That moment your life turns upside down…

How much would data loss hurt you?  We all know that backing up data is something we should do…….but not everyone does!

Don’t panic – bring your device to us be it PC, desktop, external drive and we will establish free of charge if it can be recovered and offer a fixed price to do so.

Enquire nowor phone: 0207 242 9099


We have access to the latest software releases at best prices.

As the software world has moved onto subscription models, managing your investment in software resources has become more important than ever.

Are you paying more than you need to?

Are you across what you get with each MS365 version, AutoDesk suite or creative cloud module?  We are – call us or write to us 

Enquire nowor phone: 0207 242 9099